It's a hot topic.. but is your candidate getting it right?
IMMIGRATION The immigration issue is, quite possibly, the easiest to fix. The major factors for the immigration debate all revolve around resources and who gets in. Those who want restrictions say that too much immigration artificially suppresses wages and puts large numbers of low-skilled workers into the population when we already have plenty. Those who want increases believe that the opportunity for our prosperity should be open to anyone. The answer is a compromise for both. The way to address the issue is by taking all of those points into account. If we tie immigration to the growth/recession of the economy then we account for every concern on both sides. The growth in immigration will coincide with economic growth so that the labor force will never grow too fast and suppress wages. This also makes sure that those people who come here for opportunity will not be walking into an over-burdened economy where their chances of cashing in on our prosperity would be greatly diminished. As the economy grows we make sure that we keep an eye on industry growth so that we can allow in those who can fill those coming needs or offer programs to get them qualified. This simple plan assures proper immigration that keeps to sensible guidelines. Increase/decrease immigration to coincide with economic growth/recession Immigration focused on filling industry needs Now, aside from the immigration itself we need to try and address the issues that give rise to illegal immigration. That requires us to look beyond our borders. What are the events that lead to illegal immigration? The common answers are poverty, crime and oppressive states. This requires diplomacy and foreign aid of a different sort than what is generally thought of. We have to reach out to these other countries and their leaders. We have to foster good working relationships so that we can actually come to the table, acknowledge where they're failing and come to solutions that will be to the benefit of everyone. Diplomacy Working to solve their problems in cooperation Drug cartels have a lot of activity south of our border. Putting a stop to them would ease a great deal of the crime that goes on there. They traffic drugs across national borders so they're definitely within our jurisdiction... as long as we have a good enough repore with the local administration. Poverty is the more difficult of the issues that they face. It requires us to not only help them identify and exploit their resources, but also help them come around to economic systems that will allow them to prosper while exploiting those resources. This also gives us the benefit of cultivating new avenues of trade and, of course, any time we help someone else we all benefit. When we take a comprehensive approach and work to fix the actual problems, as opposed to focusing on the symptoms (the border crisis) we can solve our problems, their problems and improve the entire landmass all at the same time. Remember, this is a small operation and it depends heavily on your engagement and exposure. Like it. Share it. You never know who you are acquainted with who may just be looking for exactly what is offered here. Let's make it happen!
I like the solutions you propose Mike; address the problems, not the symptoms, and don't demonize, work to achieve a compromise that benefits both sides. So sane. Also, I would suggest some minor edits: "rapport" instead of "repore", and "It requires us not only to help them..." instead of "It requires us to not only help them..". Best of luck in getting heard.